Privacy Policy

Fixando B.V. Privacy Policy

FIXANDO B.V. company, entity responsible for domain, values its visitors privacy, and as such is committed to respect it, ensuring user?s registered data secrecy and protection.

The present Privacy Policy is aimed to ensure our Users Security and Privacy conditions, being only requested and collected the data needed to perform the service, in accordance with the site explicit indications. The user can freely access, correct and delete is data at anytime, and anywhere.

We?re responsible towards the User with the following commitments:

- To process the data in a licit and trustworthy way, gathering only the needed and pertinent info to which it is destined;

- To allow the data owner to access and correct the info registered about him;

- Not to use the gathered data for purposes inconsistent to what they have been collected for;

- To maintain the exact data and, if needed, updated;

- To ensure the free right to eliminate the used data when required by their owner;

- To have security mechanisms that prevent data consultation, modification, destruction or addition by an unauthorized person;

- Not to perform interconnection of personal data, unless legally specified.

Personal Data Collection site can be viewed, without it being necessary to supply any personal info whatsoever. However, there are areas of the site, like requesting a service, that require you to provide information, which require the users to provide their personal data, in order to take advantage of the provided services.

The collection of personal identification data will be made by means of a sign up online form and will be accordant to strict security rules.

By registering at the user provides personal data, such as his name, email address, phone number, email, etc., needed to subscribe the services, site?s newsletters and associated partners? newsletters, who are specified in the sign up form.

When you interact with our Platform or use our Services, we automatically collect the following information about you:

1. Device Information

We collect device-specific information such as operating system version, unique identifiers. For example, the name of the mobile network that you are using. We associate the device identifiers with your Fixando account.

2. Location information

Depending on your device permissions, if you post an item on our Platform, we automatically collect and process information about your actual location. We use various technologies to determine location, including IP address, GPS, Wi-Fi access points and mobile towers. Your location data allows you to see user items near you and helps you in posting items within your location.

3. Client and Log data

Technical details, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your device, time zone and operating system. We will also store your login information (registration date, date of last password change, date of last successful login), type and version of your browser.

4. Clickstream data

We collect information about your activity on our Platform which includes the sites from which you accessed our Platform, date and time stamp of each visit, searches you have performed,listings or advertisement banners you clicked, your interaction with such advertisements or listings, duration of your visit and the order in which you visit the content on our Platform.

5. Cookies and Similar Technologies

We use cookies to manage our users’ sessions, to store your preferences language selection and deliver you relevant advertisements. "Cookies" are small text files transferred by a web server to the hard drive of your device. Cookies may be used to collect the date and time of your visit, your browsing history, your preferences, and your username. You can set your browser to refuse all or some cookies, or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of our Services/Platform may become inaccessible or not function properly.

Data from third parties or publicly available sources:

We receive personal data about you from various third parties [and public sources] as set out below:

- Certain technical and usage information from analytics providers such as Google, Facebook, Optimizely & Hotjar;

- Browsing and conversion data from advertising networks such as Facebook, Google and Chat/SMS notifications from providers such as Tawk, Sendgrid; uses Google Analytics for Display services, namely the remarketing functionality. This feature consists of displaying ads to the users that visit

The users can opt out from Google Analytics for Display Advertisers and Google Display Network by visiting the Ads Preferences Manager and the Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. uses remarketing to advertise online, which means that the users that don?t "opt-out" from Google Display Network by means of the aforementioned methods, may be exposed to ads on Google’s content network.

Third parties, such as Google, may display ads to your content network sites.

Third parties, such as Google, may use Cookies (such as Google Analytics and DoubleClick cookies) which are intended to optimize ads based on the info provided from past visits of site by the users.

Ads Preferences Manager

Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

Data Processing:

You can delete your account on Settings tab, through the button "Delete account". We save your personal data related to your account while you are a User registered and until you click to delete it OR Alternatively you can also ask us to delete or modify your Personal Data "via our Support channel or our Support email".

After deleting the account, we save some data needed for:

- stop fraud or abusive behaviour;

- satisfy legal obglications such as finance and auditing;

- judicial processes and authority implications.

We have only the most relevant data for such reasons, which are deleted once the retention period is expired or when the legal obligations are completed. Depending if you are a Client or Professional, the period of retention of your data can take between 30 days and 14 months. During this period, the acees to the data will be limited or blocked immediately. Also, you will not get any communications (institutional or promotional), except previoulsy programmed communications.

In any of the cases, we assure that your data are deleted with no unjustified delay and as soon as technically possible.

Ads Preferences Manager

Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

Users Sign Up

The users sign up allows the access to several services. The subscription request requires a password and an email address, to which the confirmation link is sent, which will allow to validate the sign up. This keyword grants an exclusive access to the service management by the user.

The data that is provided by the users will only be used to perform the services selected by the user, to which they?ve been provided, without it being added to another list, made available to third parties or used to send non-related info.


The site you need to provide a keyword (password), that will be selected by the user when he?s signing up. If the user forgets his keyword, he can retrieve it by indicating the email address (email) in which the account was registered. For security reasons, the keyword shall have more than 6 characters.

Advice: A good keyword shall include letters, numbers and special characters, and it shouldn?t be a common word or easily detectable.

The Keyword is personal and non-transferable, the usage the user gives to it?s entirely of his responsibility.

Other Services

Other services that may come up afterwards and that may require you to insert personal data and/or of the respective entities are covered by Fixando B.V. privacy and security policy that is mentioned in this document.

Info Security and Quality

Our objective is to ensure the quality and integrity of the info provided by the users to, having as such, implemented the necessary measures, both technologically and organizationally, in order to maintain the info secure, precise, updated and thorough.
To ensure maximum security on fields where user personal data is collected, its transmission is encrypted.

Personally Identifiable Information Sharing

The personal identifiable information collected on is used exclusively by for the purposes mentioned in each case.

Links has links to third parties websites, wherein the website isn?t responsible by those sites privacy policies or content.

Statistic Registry Files

All IP addresses form all the connections made to are logged. This info will be used to make statistical aggregated analyses, without establishing any connection to the services and interactions with the users.
The info will be analyzed in an aggregate and anonymous way. The data used to this end don?t have any personally identifiable info or private info.
The aggregated statistical info analyzes is destined to interpret the site usage patterns and to continuously improve the service levels and user?s satisfaction. The resulting aggregated statistical info analyzes may be made available to third parties or publicly.

Changes to our privacy policies

If changes its privacy policy, these changes will be made available here.
For further info, please contact

Conditions of Use reserves the right to cancel any user?s registration that doesn?t obey to the Terms and Conditions of Use.

If you have any doubt, complaint or comment regarding our declaration or policy privacy, please contact us at